About Me

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"I walk, everyone watches. I speak, everyone listens."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Who cares what they think? Their opinion means nothing as far as I'm concerned. You are an amazing person, and if they can't see that, it's their fault. You're smart...there's a reason that Beaver Dam didn't want you to leave. You're cute...boys are always hitting on you somewhere. You're sympathetic...in a good way. You care so much about other's feelings. Nothing is ever going to be good enough for them, so stop trying. I realized that a long time ago. It's not worth driving yourself crazy. Live your life according to you. Make mistakes. Be so broke all you can afford is 28 cent Ramen. Fall in love. Have your heart broken. Break someone else's heart. Make friends with people from other states and countries. Live somewhere you absolutely hate and work your ass off to get away. The world is so BEAUTIFUL out here. All these experiences are too. Go out and have them. You deserve the best this world has to offer. Just be happy. And know that I'll always be there.  

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