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"I walk, everyone watches. I speak, everyone listens."

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Things I Love Thursday


I have 5 favorite animals, and this is one of them. I center Christmas around my deer. I have them on my wreath, my tree, my garland. I go through the multi-packs of wrapping paper just to find the ones that have deer on them.

I think they're beautiful.

When I first went camping with my husband in the summer, we slept in the front seats of the truck. See, we didn't bring a tent, and he built this goofy thing and put a tarp over it. And I'm incredibly claustrophobic, so I woke him up and we climbed into the front seats. I'm a very heavy sleeper...a bomb could go off outside and I probably wouldn't hear it. But when my husband told me that there was a deer standing mere feet away from the truck, I woke up. She was so gorgeous. I had never seen on in person before and it was well worth it. We stared at her for about ten minutes before she left. My heart was racing so fast I never went back to sleep.

My father-in-law loves to go deer hunting. I think it's disgusting. I think if he ever brought a dead deer home I would cry.

I sometimes have dreams about them. They're all about the same. I am standing in a forest alone, and a huge buck comes up to me and lets me pet him. It's always a buck. I think their antlers are majestic and unique. I hope that someday that actually happens. I think my heart would almost explode out of my chest.

1 comment:

  1. If I get my sewing machine to work...there is this pillow I want to sew SO bad with a deer on it! It's soooo cute! I'll have to show you!
    Deer are so beautiful!
