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"I walk, everyone watches. I speak, everyone listens."

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Things I Love Thursday


I have 5 favorite animals, and this is one of them. I center Christmas around my deer. I have them on my wreath, my tree, my garland. I go through the multi-packs of wrapping paper just to find the ones that have deer on them.

I think they're beautiful.

When I first went camping with my husband in the summer, we slept in the front seats of the truck. See, we didn't bring a tent, and he built this goofy thing and put a tarp over it. And I'm incredibly claustrophobic, so I woke him up and we climbed into the front seats. I'm a very heavy sleeper...a bomb could go off outside and I probably wouldn't hear it. But when my husband told me that there was a deer standing mere feet away from the truck, I woke up. She was so gorgeous. I had never seen on in person before and it was well worth it. We stared at her for about ten minutes before she left. My heart was racing so fast I never went back to sleep.

My father-in-law loves to go deer hunting. I think it's disgusting. I think if he ever brought a dead deer home I would cry.

I sometimes have dreams about them. They're all about the same. I am standing in a forest alone, and a huge buck comes up to me and lets me pet him. It's always a buck. I think their antlers are majestic and unique. I hope that someday that actually happens. I think my heart would almost explode out of my chest.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Song of the Week #2

Drummer Boy - Jars of Clay

"I am poor boy too...I have no gifts to bring...that's fit to give a king."

Sorry I missed this on Monday. I was busy yesterday.

I thought I would do a Christmas song this week. You know, to be festive. I actually have never heard a version of this song I liked before this. Drummer Boy has never been one of my favorite Christmas songs until I heard this version of it on Grey's Anatomy. I think this is hands down the greatest cover of Drummer Boy out there. I would listen to this even if it wasn't the Christmas season. I love it that much. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Song of the Week #1

Heartless Cover - Dia Frampton

"How could you be so doctor evil? You're bringin' out a side of me that I don't know."  


I love this song. I don't like the original. At all. The lyrics are good, but I hate the way he sings it. It's annoying. So when Dia sang this on The Voice (a show I absolutely love) I was excited. I downloaded it from iTunes right after I heard it. I listened to some of her music before she was on the show, and I love her voice. I wish I could sing half as good as her. The Fray also covered this song, and as much as I love Isacc Slade and all of his amazingness, but she still does this song better.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Things I Love Thursday


What a better way to start this off but with my favorite band?
Believe it or not, I don't know much about them. I know they're from southern Africa and their lead singer's name is Shaun Morgan (pictured above). And that's about it. All I know is I love, love, love, love, love, love, love, their music.

I know they're kind of dark and twisty. Depressing at times. And a little hardcore for my style. But I've loved them since I was in middle school. So many of their songs spoke to me growing up. Hopefully someday I will get to see them in concert. <3

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Change Happens

About a month ago, I was in the mall with my sister and husband. I was in Claire's, minding my own business, and someone I went to high school with approached me. Instead of saying hello, like every other decent person, they said,

"Hey, you got a tattoo."  

I turned to them, surprised. I hadn't seen this person in three years, and that's the response I got. So I responded with a simple,

"Yes, I did."

And they said something that I had heard many times.

"I just never pictured you as someone who would ever get a tattoo."


Are you kidding me? That's it? You see me after three years and that's all you have to say? Of course, I had already heard this from many of my former classmates, but for some reason, this irritated me the most. But I wasn't going to let them know it. So I replied, kindly of course...

"People change."

And it's true. I have changed a lot since high school. My old self would have never joined the Guard. She wouldn't have gotten married at the age of 19. She wouldn't have decided to study nursing instead of computer science. She wouldn't have gone to Washington D.C. without at least calling her mother every night. Old me would never have experienced or done any of the things present me does or did. I am proud of my tattoos. My military experience. My young marriage. My trips around the country. My choice of career. I am proud of myself and all of these things. It makes me amazing. And I know my future self will be even more stunning.

New Ideas!

I think I am going to start something new. "Things I Love Thursday." I think it's awesome. I know many other blogs, (like my friend Mariah's and my little sister's) do stuff like this. So why not mine too? So I am going to start by posting something I love on Thursdays. I have been neglecting this poor blog, and I need to give myself a reason to get on it during the week. I am hoping to come up with something else to do during the week along with this. I'm excited!

P.S. I came up with a new one. I will do a song of the week every Monday. I love music, and it seems fitting to put it up on Mondays.